Make a difference with your finance
Donation possibilities

As a free church, we are financed by donations that we receive. A warm “thank you” for your support!
Bank connection
Buchegg Church
(Pfingstmission Zürich)
Hofwiesenstrasse 143
8057 Zürich
PostFinance, 3030 Bern
IBAN: CH18 0900 0000 8000 7143 9
Send an SMS with the Text «CZB and the amount» to 488 if you wish to donate per SMS.
Scan the QR code with your Twint app.
If you need a donation receipt, select «Donate easily online» above. There, you can donate with Twint after providing your personal information and receive a donation receipt.
In various cantons in Switzerland, donations can be deducted from taxes. According to Article Nr. 07/10399 dated 9.8.2007 of the Canton Zurich’s Tax Office, donations made to the Pentecostal Mission Zurich as an Association involved in cultural and charitable purposes, is 50% tax exempt. Donations made to the Association of the Pentecostal Mission Zurich is 50% deductible when declared in the Tax Return.
Special Contribution «Shiny Eyed Kids»

It is our desire, that kids and teenagers look forward with deep joy during the week, to their Sunday meeting. Why? Because there they have the opportunity to meet their friends, get to know God better, and experience a lot of fun in cozy and attractive surroundings. The church should be a place where our kids feel welcome, and at home – in line with our Motto “Welcome Home”! A place that causes shiny eyes of wonder and amazement! Would you carry this desire with us?
New furniture for the Disponibel
The present mural of Noah’s ark on the wall is beautifully painted. In order to achieve a seamless aesthetic unity with the contents of the room, and to optimize the Check-in area, we are taking up a collection for new furniture and items.
Pre-school Play-landscape
We are working on combining two rooms together for the pre-school kids in 1. UG. In this combined space we will build a suitable landscape for kids to play in and have fun.
Refurbishing the Unti rooms
Four rooms of the Jugi will be re-modelled from bare school room setting to tendy lounges, to create more of a small group atmosphere for the teenagers.
We are looking to realize this Project by the end of the year, and thank you warmly for your support.
Contribution by use of the CZB Payment slip reflecting our account, with the comment: «Shiny Eyes»
Investment possibilities

For people who wish to finance individual projects over and above the giving of the tithe, will find the following Projects of interest.
- Replacement of the VW-Van
The VW-Vans that are presently in use for our Kids and Youth camps, need urgent replacement. - Building facade Renovation
The facade (front) of our church building on the Hofwiesenstrasse 141 und 143 are in need of restoration.
Last Will & Testament

Besides taking care and supporting your Family and loved ones, your last Will & Testament can also fund the advancement of the Gospel. In your last Will, you could also benefit your church – Buchegg Church / Silbern Church (Pfingstmission Zürich) In this way, you would contribute to the advancement of the Gospel beyond your lifetime.
Information in this regard is available by ordering the “Ratgeber Testament” free of cost and obligation. This Brochure will inform you about your rights and duties should you desire to benefit the church as well.